
Hats Off

Saturday, April 16, 2016

I have no idea what I am about to write. I just know that I need to. Death is probably the most written about topic in the history of man. Everything that there ever is or was to be said about it has probably already been said.

Casey was someone who exuded so much life. Always funny, always the center of attention, the light in the middle of the room.

Hit by a train. That doesn’t even sound real. That’s supposed to be a figure of speech. Not something that actually happens.

He lived an extraordinary life- there is no questioning that fact. You could find him in South America or Africa, trekking in Nepal, standing in the middle of Tahrir square during a revolution. It was a life well lived, Casey. Hats off to you. It was standing-ovation worthy.

We are all left stunned. I even catch myself feeling angry that he would manage to let that happen. I want to yell at you, Casey! But those are only the sentiments of those who have been left here, sadly without your devious smile. I don’t know who else is going to dance around to M.I.A. in my Cairo apartment or get me into the craziness that is Nicki Minaj. Who else will walk through Tahrir square, when it is full of Islamists, buy a walking stick and then start acting like they are Moses? And countless other ridiculous stories…

Well, here we are, trying to put some words to how we feel. Trying to understand something that is not understandable.

It is probably just as simple as this: I love you Casey. And I am going to miss the hell out of you. 

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