
Welcome to Ambivalence

Friday, November 28, 2014

Ah, you’re writing another blog. How cliche. And created while sitting on an airplane no less. Perfect. That Sam Adams in a plastic cup is really bringing out the muse. 

What is this to be about? I’ve no specific idea. My other blogs were about travel and politics, the arab world, revolution...meh.

I can’t promise anything really. Knowing me, there is sure to be international politics, raw observations, and general rambling. I am highly emotional, dramatic, and usually in a place where I am not sure what I think. Too many layers and all that nonsense. Complexity, heavy an overdone and overbearing California Cabernet. 

Really, I just want a place to lay down my thoughts. A place to express all these deeply profound ideas churning in my head. Ha! One thing for sure, much written here will be laced with sarcasm and no darkness is too black.

That is not to say that all is black. No, if everything were dark and dreary, there would not be this ambivalence. Hence the name of the blog- the best descriptor of my encounter with the world at large- from Texas to California, Egypt to Japan. 

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